Wednesday, December 19, 2012

CAML Designer for SharePoint 2013

Sharepoint 2013 Caml designer is a very nice and save time for developers

Reference :

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Save as Site Template Missing in Publishing site

SharePoint 2010 Advanced IT Professional Training

SharePoint 2010 101 Code Samples

Installation and Deployment of a Farm Solution in SharePoint 2010
Deploy to remote server than there are multiple ways

Adding additional Web Part Zone in SharePoint 2007 Existing page

  • Open SharePoint website using SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Open the desired page where you need additional “WebPart Zones”
  • Web parts zones needs to be defined in Content Placeholders .Make sure you have corresponding placeholders in Master page .
  • Add the following line at desired content placeholder of your page :

    < runat="server" frametype="TitleBarOnly" id="Left" title="loc:Left">
    < /ZoneTemplate>
    < /WebPartPages:WebPartZone >
  • Editing Web Part Pages with SharePoint Designer

    Now open the web page by clicking on it.

  • Here's a view of the blank page.

  • Assuming you have SharePoint Designer 2007 installed, go to the "File" menu of Internet Explorer and select "Edit with Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer".

    You will now see your page, in edit mode, from inside the SharePoint Designer. Note that the Web Part Zones exist within a standard HTML table. (You may need to open the "Design" tab in SharePoint Designer.)

    Select the lower row of the table.

    Then, from the "Table" menu in SharePoint Designer, select "Insert" and then "Row Below".

    Click into the row you just created. For illustration purposes, I am going to add a table with 3 rows and 3 columns. From the "Table" menu, select "Insert Table". Use the parameters I have below (or anything you like).

    In the top left cell of the table, I now add a Web Part Zone:
     Insert --> SharePoint Controls --> Web Part Zone.
    (The graphic below looks like I am in the HTML menu, I am really not.)

  • Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Using a lookup field on a choice field workaround

    Unfortunately, it’s impossible to map a lookup field on a choice field. There’s a workaround, however, by using a calculated field which copies the information from the choice field. The look up field is then able to map the calculated field’s value.
    Start out by creating 2 custom lists; One list where the choice and calculated columns reside:
    create a custom list with content
    And another list where the lookup will be done:
    create a custom list with lookup
    Navigate to the list with content, and click on the “List” contextual tab in the ribbon. With the list options open, click on the “Create Column” button. When the dialog pops up fill in the desired options and select “choice” as column type:
    choice column
    Click on OK. The choice column should now be added to your list. Click the “Create Column” button again, but now select “Calculated” as column type:
    calculate column
    Scroll down and reference the choice field in your calculation formula:
    calculate column properties
    Click OK. The calculated column should now be added to your list with content. Add a new item to check whether the calculation formula works:
    custom list with content
    Navigate to the list where the lookup will be made and create a new column. Fill in a desired name and select “Lookup” as column type:
    lookup column
    Scroll down again, and select your list with content where the lookup column should get its information. Next, select the title to be looked up and as you can see, the calculated column shows up as a selectable property:
    lookup column properties
    Finish adding the column by clicking OK. Whenever you add a new item to the lookup list and use the lookup column, the chosen choice field from the content list will be shown:
    custom list with lookup content
    In an ideal situation, Microsoft addresses this issue and makes choice fields able to be looked up in the near future.

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    Anonymous access in SharePoint 2010 Survey

    Filling up survey form in SharePoint is one of the common tasks that we perform. However when we want to capture a feedback in terms of survey but we would not like to know the name of a person who responded to survey then anonymous survey comes into the picture.

    We directly cannot create a SharePoint 2010 anonymous survey. First we need to configure the site to have an anonymous site and then we can configure survey list to allow anonymous access.

    First we need to make a setting in central administration. Go to Manage web applications->Select your specific web app->Click on zone type Default->then check the enable anonymous access.

    Here are these steps shown as screen shots.

    Now select anonymous policy from the ribbon and select None.

    Now open your site to enable anonymous access. You can see this option only when you have set the anonymous option from the central administration.

    You need to set where you would want to enable the anonymous access.

    I’ve selected lists and library because we want to create an anonymous survey.

    Open your survey list where you want to configure anonymous survey. First step that needs to be performed is to break the inheritance from the parent site. Without this step, we cannot configure anonymous survey.

    Go to list settings and then permissions for a list and then click on anonymous access. This model page allows you to configure the action that anonymous user can perform. However you might see all options grayed out.

    The reason behind this is strange, however these is a work around to this. Go to advance settings option of the list and then select read all responses.

    Now again go back to the permission and then select anonymous access. You should be good to go for setting up the permissions.

    Now the problem is we do not want other people to see other’s responses although created by field is always empty when we enable the anonymous survey, but still we do not want any person to read any other person’s response.

    So go back to advance settings and now change from real all responses to read responses that were created by user.

    And there you go, give link URL to respond to anyone and they should be able to respond to a survey. At the same time created by field will always be blank so that we never come to know who responded to survey.

    Friday, June 8, 2012

    Export and Import a SharePoint List

    This was a requirement one of my clients faced few days back. So I thought of writing blog post on it so anybody can refer to it when needed .

    Exporting a SharePoint List can be done with the OOB feature given in SharePoint Central Administration.

    Central Administration >> Backup and Restore >> Export a site or list

    In the above image you can see…

    1. You can backup a site

    2. You can backup a list

    3. It supports of exporting with full security

    4. Exporting with the item versioning (Major / Minor / Both / Current)

    OK fine exporting can be done through the UI. How about Importing? Time to move on to PowerShell. Prior to that let’s see how to achieve the Exporting through PowerShell.

    Export-SPWeb “http://spdev:4422/netassist/” –ItemUrl “Lists/Students” –Path “C":\SharePoint Backup\StudentsList.cmp”

    Now the Importing.. (I’ve used a SubSite “network” for the clarity)

    PS C:\Users\SPAdmin> Import-SPWeb “http://spdev4422/netassist/network/” -Path "

    C:\SharePoint Backup\StudentsList.cmp"

    For more info read the TechNet Articles.



    Deploy Project Server 2010 on SharePoint 2010

    By any chance if you come across the requirement of installing and configuring Microsoft Project Server 2010, technet has provided a nice and easy guide of deploying Project Server 2010.

    In this section:

    •Deploy Project Server 2010 to a server farm environment

    This series of articles describes the steps necessary to install Microsoft Project Server 2010 in a server farm environment. This includes installing and configuring Project Server, creating a Microsoft Project Web App site, and configuring reporting.

    Deploy Project Server 2010 to a test environment

    This series of articles describes deploying a test installation of Microsoft Project Server 2010 in a virtual environment. The purpose of this series is as follows:

    •Install Project Server 2010 to a stand-alone computer

    Microsoft Project Server 2010 can be installed in a stand-alone configuration that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express. This configuration is useful for demonstration, but should not be used for a production environment.

    •TechNet Webcast: Project Server 2010 upgrade and migration

    This Microsoft TechNet Webcast discusses Microsoft Project Server 2010 features, requirements, and deployment considerations that IT professionals need to know about.

    •TechNet Webcast: Project Server 2010 - Backwards Compatibility Mode

    This Microsoft TechNet Webcast discusses the Microsoft Project Server 2010 Backwards Compatibility Mode (BCM) feature, which helps you to accelerate deployment of Microsoft Project 2010.

    •In-place upgrade to Project Server 2010

    This article describes the process of doing an in-place upgrade from Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 to Project Server 2010.

    Database-attach full upgrade to Project Server 2010

    This article describes how to do a database-attach full upgrade to Project Server 2010, in which you back up the required databases in the old farm and then restore them in the new farm.

    •Database-attach core upgrade to Project Server 2010

    This article describes how to do a database-attach core upgrade to Project Server 2010, in which you are basically using backup copies of your Office Project Server 2007 databases that contain your project data.

    •Virtual migration environment (VME) guide for Project Server 2010

    The Project Server VME is a virtualized Office Project Server 2007 environment that contains all the necessary applications and utilities required to migrate Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 data to Office Project Server 2007. To migrate from Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2010, first you must migrate your data to Office Project Server 2007 format.

    •Upgrade to Project Server 2010 from Project Server 2003

    This series of articles provides information and procedures about how to migrate from Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2010.

    •Deploy language packs (Project Server 2010)

    Microsoft Project Server 2010 language packs enable Project Server 2010 users to view Microsoft Project Web App and project sites in multiple languages without requiring separate installations of Project Server 2010.

    •Deploy Project Server 2010 with Exchange Server

    These articles describe how to configure integration with Exchange Server, enabling Microsoft Project Server 2010 users to view Project Server tasks in Microsoft Outlook